#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Dust Off Brewing ## Media ### Title panorama_7DF9C3DE_6C64_36D1_41C5_1AADF7FC81D0.label = R0010121E panorama_7DFA7BB2_6C64_1751_41A6_F0784AFF7CB8.label = R0010127E panorama_7DFB2140_6C64_3331_41D7_A2958B78A0AD.label = R0010126E panorama_7DFDB1C4_6C64_3331_41B0_8E08675B9EA2.label = R0010123E panorama_7DFDDE80_6C64_1130_41C5_DCED36C8F284.label = R0010128E panorama_7DFF0DB5_6C64_3353_41DA_54674DFE0BC4.label = R0010120E panorama_7DFF6393_6C64_3757_41D7_6F386E476B3C.label = R0010122E panorama_7E15AD34_6C64_1350_41D3_929413B4FD69.label = R0010119E ## Popup ### Body htmlText_36E693BF_3B27_0B25_41A1_AC7B55989C8D.html =
We here at DUST OFF Brewing Co. are focused on making the brewery the center of neighborhood life, and not simply just a place to eat and drink. We strive to be your “Third Place”, which is a cornerstone of gatherings and friendships.
According to DUSTOFF.ORG, “The call sign “DUSTOFF” comes from the radio call sign given to the first aeromedical helicopter evacuation unit in Vietnam, the 57th Medical Detachment (Hel Amb), which arrived in-country in 1962. The 57th initially communicated internally on any vacant frequency it could find. In Saigon, the Navy Support Activity, which controlled all call words used in call signs in South Vietnam, allowed the 57th to adopt the call sign DUSTOFF. This call sign epitomized the 57th’s medical evacuation missions. Since the countryside was then dry and dusty, helicopter pickups in the fields often blew dust, dirt, blankets, and shelter halves all over the men on the ground. Nearly all evacuation helicopters throughout the Vietnam War assumed the call sign DUSTOFF followed be a numerical designation, the exception being the air ambulances of the 1st Calvary Division, and no one ever attempted to change this during the remainder of the conflict. Though other call signs regularly changed, both ground and aviation units refused to refer to these evacuation helicopters by any other call sign. By adopting DUSTOFF in those early stages of the Vietnam War, the legend was born.”
We chose the name as an homage to our Armed Forces and a nod to one of our founders, Josh, who was a Blackhawk pilot in the South Carolina National Guard. We hope to honor the name and grow the legend by delivering great beer to our community!
## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_378ADDE4_3B19_1F24_41B0_0329C97B2EA5.toolTip = Beer Menu HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8C25CE4A_8337_B4E2_41E0_22B227F839FA.toolTip = Learn more about the Mural Mile ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_8DC12564_8335_B4A6_41A6_C49B99799E68.source = https://www.onlyinoldtown.com/muralmile LinkBehaviour_8EF481F4_8316_4FA6_41DA_1C334D62C5C0.source = https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EWvUM9DmAW078Of8uwnH1ex-gy9dFo33/view