#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = St Jospehs ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_A0FFEF97_EF4C_92D6_41D3_EA6B075C47E6.html =

### Tooltip IconButton_B41C2BB1_E55D_72EA_4179_F9B49572C5F4.toolTip = Click to enter / exit fullscreen mode ## Media ### Title album_44E8D347_4A23_31B1_41C9_89F9F570DC9F.label = Juniors - English album_44E8D347_4A23_31B1_41C9_89F9F570DC9F_0.label = The more we read together the more we will know album_44E8D347_4A23_31B1_41C9_89F9F570DC9F_1.label = We have response partners and work together to further improve our learning, living out our motto ,.....Together We Can album_44E8D347_4A23_31B1_41C9_89F9F570DC9F_2.label = We see ourselves as writers with a story to be told album_520E6C2B_45EF_ECF2_41C2_2F6CCBA60D60.label = Nursery album_520E6C2B_45EF_ECF2_41C2_2F6CCBA60D60_0.label = I am an author, writing my first story album_520E6C2B_45EF_ECF2_41C2_2F6CCBA60D60_1.label = I wonder how many litres can fill up this .container_ album_520E6C2B_45EF_ECF2_41C2_2F6CCBA60D60_2.label = Nursery classroom, where the awe and wonder begins album_520E6C2B_45EF_ECF2_41C2_2F6CCBA60D60_3.label = Nursery play area album_520E6C2B_45EF_ECF2_41C2_2F6CCBA60D60_4.label = Nursery album_520E6C2B_45EF_ECF2_41C2_2F6CCBA60D60_5.label = So many shapes to choose from album_520E6C2B_45EF_ECF2_41C2_2F6CCBA60D60_6.label = Together We Can solve any problem album_520E6C2B_45EF_ECF2_41C2_2F6CCBA60D60_7.label = We are designers album_5B4181B8_4526_97DE_41B0_89C0CCB5248B.label = Infants album_5B4181B8_4526_97DE_41B0_89C0CCB5248B_0.label = infant play is just the best. We love to discover amazing new things album_5B4181B8_4526_97DE_41B0_89C0CCB5248B_1.label = lunchtime album_5B4181B8_4526_97DE_41B0_89C0CCB5248B_2.label = Our pupils know they will be listened to and support each other album_5B4181B8_4526_97DE_41B0_89C0CCB5248B_3.label = Together we can 2 album_5B4181B8_4526_97DE_41B0_89C0CCB5248B_4.label = Together we can album_5B4181B8_4526_97DE_41B0_89C0CCB5248B_5.label = We just love to learn and being in school is the best album_5B58165F_4A2D_D051_41BB_5582DE0A64B0.label = Sports album_5B58165F_4A2D_D051_41BB_5582DE0A64B0_0.label = Field play album_5B58165F_4A2D_D051_41BB_5582DE0A64B0_1.label = field album_5B58165F_4A2D_D051_41BB_5582DE0A64B0_3.label = Keeping fit and active is the key to success. PE is our strength album_5B58165F_4A2D_D051_41BB_5582DE0A64B0_4.label = PE 1 album_5E73EEFC_4A7F_5057_4196_95D8C28380CC.label = Junior Playgorund album_5E73EEFC_4A7F_5057_4196_95D8C28380CC_0.label = Activity is the key to success album_5E73EEFC_4A7F_5057_4196_95D8C28380CC_1.label = play jun album_5E73EEFC_4A7F_5057_4196_95D8C28380CC_2.label = playground album_5E73EEFC_4A7F_5057_4196_95D8C28380CC_3.label = We keep fit, skipping at playtime album_5E73EEFC_4A7F_5057_4196_95D8C28380CC_4.label = Who said 'Boys can't skip' We prove them wrong! album_65DC71FC_4527_B756_41B5_91D87D52BC09.label = Junior School - Science album_65DC71FC_4527_B756_41B5_91D87D52BC09_0.label = Scientists awaiting the next discovery album_65DC71FC_4527_B756_41B5_91D87D52BC09_1.label = Scientists in action i album_65DC71FC_4527_B756_41B5_91D87D52BC09_2.label = Year 3 investigate electricity and test out their theories album_66E1BB7B_4563_AB52_41C2_5DD12EC9DC2F.label = Maths album_66E1BB7B_4563_AB52_41C2_5DD12EC9DC2F_0.label = Maths, no problem (1) album_66E1BB7B_4563_AB52_41C2_5DD12EC9DC2F_1.label = We use the Singapore Maths.scheme. It deepens our knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills. solvingpg album_66E1BB7B_4563_AB52_41C2_5DD12EC9DC2F_2.label = Y6 maths panorama_4C85F874_41AE_6022_41A3_F02B371C2859.label = Intervention Room panorama_4C94FCBA_41AE_6026_41C0_AC980674F44A.label = Junior Classroom 2 panorama_4CAD7571_41AF_E022_41BC_802B9D065F3B.label = Forest panorama_4CE65461_41AE_A022_41A6_A882F2F6DDD5.label = Stairs panorama_4CF50969_41AE_A022_41B7_69DFFED30CE7.label = Upper Shared Area panorama_4CF81B91_41AF_A0E2_41C5_2F46840D003D.label = Infant Classroom panorama_4D05EA7C_41AE_E022_41CD_C6E220B9AC3C.label = Stage panorama_4D41D589_41AF_A0E2_41B0_DB6E5273248F.label = Infant Corridor panorama_4D4790C8_41AE_E062_41C3_239C8F98C6E4.label = Shared Area panorama_4D538270_41AE_6022_41C1_2F4C88BFB206.label = Junior Classroom 1 panorama_4D57F6DD_41AE_A062_41C8_3C4852DE4D08.label = Junior Corridor panorama_4D58AF1C_41AF_A1E2_41BC_56EEBCA9EC19.label = Infant Playground panorama_4D70C03D_41AE_A022_41A8_FBE876BDD958.label = Playground panorama_4DE45032_41FA_49C9_41C8_62E6610B509B.label = Trim Trail panorama_516D43D4_463D_89D8_41C7_8BBED3A04F78.label = The_Garden panorama_53089D06_463C_9E38_41CD_4CD0ED9C1F45.label = Infant_Playground panorama_53089FF6_463C_B9D8_41C0_E33E34BE880F.label = The_School_Entrance panorama_5308A371_463C_8AD8_41A4_1197B4DB825B.label = The_Nursery panorama_5308A6B6_463C_8A58_41C3_D84F78045A39.label = Garden_Hall_Library panorama_53090F53_463D_9AD8_41CE_0A9896420E8F.label = Outdoor_Learning_Space panorama_5309899D_463D_8648_41BC_124DE04CE9AB.label = Playing_Field photo_45F1E32A_4A3D_F1F3_41AC_0FEF9ED132DC.label = We are magnificent writers and thinkers photo_45F1E32A_4A3D_F1F3_41AC_0FEF9ED132DC.label = We are magnificent writers and thinkers photo_5882D724_4A26_D1F7_41C9_8E866D74E203.label = I can skip to infinity and beyond! photo_5882D724_4A26_D1F7_41C9_8E866D74E203.label = I can skip to infinity and beyond! photo_597A8DFE_4A65_5053_41CB_0D23CEF2497F.label = Infant building photo_597A8DFE_4A65_5053_41CB_0D23CEF2497F.label = Infant building photo_5B606360_4A3D_306F_417B_550E5099ABC0.label = Budding young authors photo_5B606360_4A3D_306F_417B_550E5099ABC0.label = Budding young authors photo_5E6217AE_4A65_70F3_41C9_025D8D74246B.label = signage 3 photo_5E6217AE_4A65_70F3_41C9_025D8D74246B.label = signage 3 photo_64A7C162_4565_7772_41CD_414EEFACDE7D.label = Science1 photo_64A7C162_4565_7772_41CD_414EEFACDE7D.label = Science1 photo_659E93F5_4565_7B56_41CA_DCA4E5C84796.label = Science2 photo_659E93F5_4565_7B56_41CA_DCA4E5C84796.label = Science2 photo_659ED58D_4565_7FB6_41A7_DD5EDFCE5DA2.label = Science3jpg photo_659ED58D_4565_7FB6_41A7_DD5EDFCE5DA2.label = Science3jpg photo_659ED718_4565_7CDE_41C9_E7AB83969F11.label = Science4jpg photo_659ED718_4565_7CDE_41C9_E7AB83969F11.label = Science4jpg photo_665877F6_4563_7B52_41CA_487FCD027EF5.label = maths 1 photo_665877F6_4563_7B52_41CA_487FCD027EF5.label = maths 1 video_542B6220_4525_B4EE_41A6_2540C7A53091.label = Headteacher Welcome Video video_5DDFE38E_45E6_BBB2_41C1_A7462EA09006.label = Infants Video ## Popup ### Body htmlText_5ECCF024_45E5_94F6_41D0_24AAC929A16B.html =
Our children love being in school and are happy, independent learners who are encouraged to be the best they can be and challenge themselves. Learning in the infant school is fun, creative and based on high expectations for all learners. We nurture our young people to ask questions and be confident to share their ideas. Pupil voice is a strength and our infant curriculum promotes discussion of topical issues and the wider world.
We develop children’s personal, social and emotional skills as they investigate and explore the world around them. Children regularly demonstrate our school values of respect, kindness and tolerance. ‘Together We Can’ is our school motto and can be seen in daily life through pupil interaction. Our children work together in a supportive way and are encouraged to find solutions to problems. This empowers them with critical thinking skills and the social and emotional skills needed to succeed.
Developing reading, writing and mathematics skills are key to empowering our children to be successful. Our curriculum is wide to include all foundations subjects, so children extend their knowledge and understanding of history, geography, art, design, science, computing, music and P.E. We want our children to be aspirational with a thirst for knowledge and the resilience and determination to achieve their dreams. We nurture our children to have self-belief, aim high and above all have compassion, believing they can make a difference to the world we live in.

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Welcome to the Junior School

Pupils enter the juniors with confidence and the secure knowledge that they will be nurtured to achieve their full potential. Their wellbeing and safety is key to ensuring strong results. Our school values of compassion, tolerance and respect are visible through pupil engagement. Pupil voice is powerful, they are confident that their voice is heard but know they have the responsibility to show respect and tolerance. Pupil committees contribute to school development.
Our curriculum builds on previous skills covered. Our young people are presented with opportunities to challenge and support where necessary, whilst encouraging pupil initiated learning. Pupils understand they are equally responsible for their learning and success. They are informed about current affairs and secure in the belief that their actions and choices can impact on their local and wider community. They are St Joseph’s pupils but global citizens.
We achieve high standards in reading, writing and mathematics but, recognise that our children need to experience a broad and balanced curriculum, incorporating history, geography, science, technology, languages, P.E, music art and design. They engage in learning outside the classroom, through school visits, motivational speakers and workshops, and our individual ‘Enterprise’ curriculum, promoting life and critical thinking skills.
Passion, self-motivation and resilience are qualities we instil in our pupils to support high aspirations for everyone. Our pupils are happy, motivated and care about their school. We learn and grow together, reflecting, invoking change when needed and committed to our motto of ‘Together We Can’.